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7 SEO/SEM Blogs You Should Read Regularly

Published on June 25, 2014 by Kevin Elliot

If you are interested at all in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – and if you are in business, you should be – you know they are fast-paced and ever-evolving fields. Staying on top of the latest trends and developments is crucial. Luckily, helpful resources abound in the form of blogs.

What SEO/SEM blogs should I read?

Blogs are an incredibly valuable tool, literally providing up-to-the-minute information. But if you’ve spent much time in the blogosphere, you know the problem of finding just the right ones for you. There is just so much content out there, and it can be daunting.

So, after years of sifting and searching through the content ocean myself, here is a list of 7 SEO & SEM blogs I read regularly and find very valuable as a digital marketing professional.

1. Moz

The unquestioned kings of SEO. They’ve been at it from the beginning, and are still on the cutting edge. Moz offers content for every SEO level, but some of their long form advanced stuff is dense. If you are a Search Engine Optimization beginner, I highly recommend you download their SEO Beginner’s Guide.

The thing I like best about Moz is their sharing spirit. Their posts are full of links to tools and techniques from companies other than Moz. All in all, this blog is indispensable.

2. Google AdWords Blog

Obviously. If you want to know about AdWords SEM, go to AdWords. Here is where you will get the latest news right from the source.

3. Wordstream

​Wordstream is the Moz of SEM. They are all Pay-Per-Click advertising all the time, and they really keep up with things. They do have a software product to sell, so if you use any of their free content like their PPC Campaign Grader, you will be getting contacted. However, they are friendly and helpful. Subscribe to this blog for great SEM tips and techniques.

4. Hubspot

If you want to the learn anything and everything about Internet (Inbound) Marketing, Hubspot is state of the art. There have four blogs to choose from depending on your particular interest, but I recommend you choose at least one. These folks set the standard for modern content marketing, their posts are very readable, and they will keep you out ahead of your competitors.

5. Search Engine Land

Just like the name says, Search Engine Land is the watchdog of every algorithm change and hiccup the search engines make. What Google, Bing, and Yahoo do affects both SEO and SEM, and this blog gives a great bird’s eye view of the search engine landscape. SEL also has a blog dedicated just to marketing.

6. Kissmetrics

Founded by famed internet marketer Neil Patel, Kissmetrics is a content machine. So much so that they can be slightly spammy. However, sifting through to find the right posts for you is worth the effort. Patel also founded Quicksprout, for further reading.


Entrepreneur’s Sales & Marketing blog is a well-rounded resource for general marketing knowledge. There is some great digital marketing content here, as well as traditional stuff. It’s good to have a broader perspective sometimes, and this is a great place to get it.


You don’t have to read every word of every one of these every day, but it does help to have this valuable content at your disposal. Take a few minutes each day to scroll through their posts and you will be much more knowledgeable about the growing, if slippery, world of SEO and SEM.

Kerigan Marketing Associates is Google AdWords Certified and an official Google Partner, and we manage successful search engine marketing campaigns for multiple clients. To learn more about what our business can do for yours, or to have Kerigan Marketing bring you SEM success, please contact us anytime.

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